
      Following the main thesis of the most outstanding world-famous scholar Maria Skłodowska Curie – " Science should be widespread and open to all ", a World Catalogue of Scientific Journals has been created in 2010.
      This World Catalogue of Scientific Journals, or a list of the most known and prestigious scientific journals, is intended to promote science and education worldwide. The system of science and education promotion as a generally available offer can be and is presented in the form of an on-line system.
      The World Catalogue of Scientific Journals is scientific that puts order in the world of publishing science.
      Due to the rankings of many international databases of scientific journals, often incomprehensible, this catalogue specifies strict requirements and rules regarding the level of scientific journals and publications. The World Catalogue of Scientific Journals defines the "Web of Science" as one main leading database for determining the maximum level of scientific knowledge, and thus publishing knowledge.
      The World Catalogue of Scientific Journals awards points for journals:

1)  Each scientific journal included in the database: Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Emerging Sources Citation Index, Science Citation Index Expanded, Social Sciences Citation Index - scores 20 points.
2)  Each scientific journal included in the database: BIOSIS, CAB Abstracts & Global Health, PubMed, SCOPUS, Zoological Record - scores 15 points.
3)  Other scientific journals that are not included in the above-mentioned databases (listed in items 1 and 2) may receive a maximum number of 12 points.  

      Journals included in the above-mentioned databases (listed in items 1 and 2) are not subject to verification (the review). Scientific journals/magazines posted in the database (listed in items 1 and 2) are added/entered into the World Catalogue of Scientific Journals free-of-charge.

      Scientific journals/magazines that are trying to obtain a score (listed in item 3) must meet the following formal basic conditions:

1)  Publisher or Editor-in-Chief has to send a notification to the e-mail address <editor-in-chief.wcosj@wp.pl> about the willingness to verify the Journal/s. Publisher or Editor-in-Chief has to notify/specify in e-mail: title/s of Scientific Journal, ISSN number, and website of the Scientific Journal.
2)  Publisher or Editor-in-Chief has to present a consent/statement that after verification of the Journal/s which will be accepted into the World Catalogue, will pay 30 EURO (or 35 USD) for each Journal entered.
3)  Publisher or Editor-in-Chief has to send an official application for each Journal/magazine separately on the website: http://www.wcosj.com/site/suggestjournal 
4)  Publisher or Editor-in-Chief will receive the information on verification about accepting the individual Journal/s.
5)  Publisher or Editor-in-Chief, after paying the money to the account number and sending the confirmation (PDF) by e-mail <editor-in-chief.wcosj@wp.pl> , will be notified of the Journal/s which are officially added into the World Catalogue.

     Detailed/Specific informations regarding Scientific Journals, fulfilling formal conditions, have been published on the official webside of "Web of Science":

1)  The Title of the Journal
2)  The Number ISSN (e/p)
3)  Journal URL
4)  Discipline
5)  Journal Description
6)  Start Year
7)  Full Name of the Publishing House
8)  Full Address of the Publishing House
9)  Country
10)  Editor or Publisher E-Mail Address

      Any scientific journal worldwide which publishes the title and English summary at least on generally available websites for minimum two years can be added to World Catalogue of Scientific Journals.

      Scientific journals that do not meet the formal requirements are not considered.

      At present, the quantity of registered periodicals in catalogue:  20038

World Catalogue of Scientific Journals

Prof. Tomasz Borowski

E-mail address:  <editor-in-chief.wcosj@wp.pl>

World Catalogue of Scientific Journals is administered by:

The Institute of Biopaleogeography named under Charles R. Darwin
22, Mickiewicza Street, 78-520 Zlocieniec, District Drawski, West Pomerania, Poland